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Monday, May 20, 2013

Building A Basic Skin Care Regimen

Every woman dreams of beautiful clear skin, but most of us don't know where to begin. Building a skin care regimen doesn't have to be difficult if you know where to start. Below are the very basics that every woman should include in her skin care regimen.

You have to get you face clean! Most of us either under-cleanse or over-cleanse their skin. The goal is to find a healthy medium. Experts say that those with normal skin should cleanse once in the morning and once in the evening. I have to say that cleansing in the evening is most important to me. I absolutely have to get the days dirt off my face!

Remember to find a good soap-free cleanser for your skin and avoid very cold or very hot water to wash your face.

Exfoliation refers to the removal of dead skin cells from the top of the skin. While some skin experts believe that too much exfoliation is bad for the skin, as it can strip away essential oils, most believe that exfoliating once a week is a good practice.

Find a scrub that suits your skin and use just a little bit once a week to clear dead cells and hidden impurities. If you prefer to go natural, you could even try making some home made scrubs and gently exfoliate for natural, glowing skin.

A toner is a liquid that helps to close the pores on your skin, to avoid attracting dirt and to give your skin a tighter, firmer look. Many women swear by this step and almost every major cosmetic brand makes a toner. I believe that toners are an option and not necessarily a must for everyone. Try using one for a few days and determine whether it's best for your skin.


Essential, essential, essential!! You'll have to choose a moisturizer depending on whether your skin is dry, normal or oily. Going without a moisturizer is non-negotiable! Make sure that your daytime cream has an SPF or Sun Protection Factor. You'll want to apply this all over the face, down the neck and on your chest.

Also remember to moisturize at night, after you've thoroughly cleansed your face. Skip the sunscreen at night though, and just allow your skin to breathe

There you have it! Start with the above basic skin regimen to determine what your skin likes and dislikes. Do you have a skin care regimen? Let us know in the comment section below.

Let's Make It A Beautiful Life!!!


  1. I use Aveeno's skin care products. I have a foaming cleanser, a moisturizing conditioner and a reconditioner as my night cresm. I,have a bit of acene so i do use acne cream in between my cleansing and moisturizer.

  2. Essential, essential, essential!! You'll have to choose a moisturizer depending on whether your skin is dry, normal or oily. Make sure that your daytime cream has an SPF or Sun Protection Factor.

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  3. My night cream is reconditioning. What exactly does that mean?

  4. Every woman dreams of beautiful clear skin, but most of us don't know where to begin. And it’s a well known thing by any women or any girl which I come to know through your blog so thank you so much for sharing this skin care with us.

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